

Dental fillings are a solution to damaged teeth, usually to fill cavities or teeth that have decayed. They are made from various materials and restore the tooth to its natural state. This makes the tooth fully functional and prevents further damage or decay from reoccurring.

What are the different types of dental fillings?

There are several factors to consider when deciding on the material for a filling. Dr Borman will assess the damage and the extent of the repair needed.

There are two types of dental fillings available:

  • Composite resin: Composite resin is a soft material mixed and then moulded into the cavity. It is generally affordable and is the same colour as natural teeth. However, composite fillings are more prone to staining and cracks over time.
  • Ceramic: Porcelain is the strongest and most natural filling material available. It provides long-term durability and can also be matched to your natural tooth colour. Because of this, porcelain tends to be more expensive. This can be done in one visit following the same-day dentistry philosophy by using our computer-assisted design and milling technology.

What can I expect when receiving a dental filling?

The procedure for dental filling is non-invasive and simple. Dr Borman will ensure you are comfortable and talk you through the entire process.

First, Dr Borman will physically examine your mouth and identify the tooth or teeth that require a filling. The next step is to remove any leftover decay and prepare the tooth. If needed, Dr Borman will numb the area with local anaesthesia, remove the decayed tooth structure and repair the tooth with white filling material, also known as composite. Finally, he will adjust the filling to make it as comfortable as possible when biting and then finish it off by smoothing any rough edges.

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19 Lourensford Road
Somerset West
Cape Town


Mon - Fri: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Weekends: Closed